Midlife Health Reset

Mid-life crisis? mmm no thanks! I’ll go for the Mid-life deep-cleanse RESET instead!

This is what I did.

I am now 40 yrs. old. I was feeling like it was time to clean myself out, deeply, from the core out.

I was feeling fatigued, heavy and bloated after eating, foggy in my mind, I observed my memory declining, I was easily irritable and inflammation was showing up in my joints.

I refused to put it down to aging. My vehicle was not running optimally. It was time to health hack myself.

I began to fast for ten days on the Master Cleanser. Mind you, my body is accustomed to this particular fast. I had been doing it every 6mths for the last 7 years, although I hadn’t made it this year and I felt it.

I began on Master Cleanser. Please view his original booklet here. www.nowloss.com/master-cleanse-diet.pdf

I knew it was the right timing for me to begin on the fast because life was showing me no resistance. I was effortlessly moving through the days unlike other times I had entered into the fast through my mind. In the past, some moments were an inner struggle of will and discipline. This time, my body naturally felt the comfort and the process flowed quite effortlessly. My mind was quiet, there was no discipline required, no mental talk around it. It just happened.

Day 10 would normally be the last day but I sensed I needed to continue. I was inspired to do a series of colonics.

I found a professional who was happy to support me in my fast. She recommended a series of three colonics and completing it with the Liver/Gallbladder Flush.

I found David Wolfe’s protocol and decided to follow it.

I learnt that for maintaining good health, it is recommended to do three colonics e.g. Monday/Wednesday/Friday in a week once a year. Those with chronic illnesses are recommended to do the three colonics in one week every 6 months.

I remained on the fast and did the colonics on day 11/13/15. It was amazing to see matter continue to be released from my intestines even after all those days of not introducing solids. My therapist detected a plug of mucus, parasites, old matter that had been stuck to the inner intestinal wall. It was amazing! I felt the discomfort of matter unsticking and moving out. The second colonic was particularly successful. For years I had felt the hardness deep into my abdomen when I had massaged myself. Now, it was being released. I could feel it.

On day 13 I introduced one glass of apple juice per day with a splash of apple cider vinegar. I was beginning to prepare my liver/gallbladder to do the flush. Apple juice and apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which softens the stones so that they can easily be expulsed and passed by the sphincter of Oddi.

Do you see in the above images, the Common Bile Duct and the Pancreatic Duct join to form the Sphincter of Oddi, which empties into the duodenum?

Therefore, colonics are important to have before the flush, as the intestines must be clear to avoid any backup.

Evening 16 of the fast, after three days of apple juice and apple cider vinegar preparation, I followed the protocol above.

My colonic therapist asked me to buy a colander to poop into the next morning and take photos of the evidence.

So I did!

This is what came out!

A palm full of clay and stones! So many of them! The above image is the repeatedly washed, clean version!

I feel amazing!

I took a week of eating cautiously to return to a clean diet.


One month and a half later, my digestion is functioning smoothly, actually better than ever, there is no more bloating, my energy levels are constant, my skin is radiant, (even if I do say so myself) and my cognitive function clearer. I can see that my frequency has shifted remarkably because I am more in alignment naturally with foods and people who support my growth. Magic! My body worker has been able to massage deeply into my abdominal cavity without finding hardened areas.

To support myself, I have adopted a plant-based diet, as raw as possible, intermittent fasting and as many single ingredient meals as possible to support my design.

I am gearing up to do another flush, this time with only three days of fast with no colonics. As you can see in the protocol article by David Wolfe, you can safely flush once per month until all stones are removed.

For maintenance, the flush is recommended every 6mths! Who does that? I can see that so many health issues can be eliminated this way.

I feel so different. I highly recommend fasting and doing the flush under the supervision of a health professional. Of course you do not have to do it the way I did consecutively. I followed my inner authority.

This blog is intended for sharing my experience only and is not intended as medical advice.