Upper Trapezius Trigger Point Video

Nearly everybody has this trigger point!

The Upper Trapezius Tension Release is useful for headaches located at the temple, angle of the jaw, in an arch behind the ear, deep behind the eye of the affected side. Headaches of this nature are commonly described as tension headaches.

Upper Trapezius Trigger Point 1

The X’s represent the Trigger Points. The red shaded area is the referred pain caused by the Trigger Point and the darker red means more people experienced pain in that area.

Symptoms Felt: Head and Neck

The X’s represent the Trigger Points. The red shaded area is the referred pain caused by the Trigger Point and the darker red means more people experienced pain in that area.

Primary Symptoms:

  • Temple headache
  • Temple and eyebrow pain
  • Headache deep behind the eye
  • Jaw pain at the masseter muscle
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Pain up the side of the neck behind the ear
  • Headache at the back of the head
    Headaches or
  • Migraines
  • Tension headache
  • Toothache
  • Restricts rotation and lateral flexion of the head to the opposite side

How to release it:

Upper Trapezius Self Massage Technique

Using the opposite hand on the upper trapezius muscle, use pincer grip between the thumb and the pads of the four fingers. Strum across the muscle to find the most dense thickened area, then work along the tight strand. Roll it between your fingers. You are looking for points that recreate the pain pattern shown here. When you find a point referring a pain pattern, maintain pressure with your fingers and breath deeply until the referral pain dissipates, then search the surrounding area for other affected areas and repeat. In this way you can instantaneously release your headache. Miraculous!

Upper Trapezius Self Myofascial Release Technique using a lacrosse ball

Place the lacrosse ball at the nape of your neck and lean into a corner of the wall. The body leans at a 45 degree angle using no effort, lock out the lower back by bending the knees and spine long, the arm on the affected side hangs in a relaxed way. Find an affected area with the ball and apply pressure. Breath here until the pain or referral pattern subsides, find another area and repeat. You may add movement here by angling the neck into a stretch.

Upper Trapezius Self Myofascial Release Technique using a Theracane/Body Back Buddy

In a comfortable seated position, find the point with the theracane knob and use gravity to weight into the point. The idea is to not create more tension by gripping and using effort with the tools. When you find a point referring a pain pattern, maintain pressure and breath deeply until the referral pain dissipates, search the surrounding area for other affected areas and repeat. You may wish to add movement here and find the right angle to stretch which increases the intensity of the discomfort or referral pattern. Breath until it dissipates and repeat.

Stretch the Upper Trapezius​

Sit on the hand palm facing down and rise up tall through the spine. This will draw your shoulder away from your ear. Place your opposite hand above the ear and gently guide (never pull) the neck into a stretch. You can add movement here by looking down to the floor then up to the sky.