Natal Massage

Safe massage therapy for a more comfortable pregnancy

All sessions are personalized to suit the individual and may incorporate a variety of techniques. Pregnancy can be one of the most fulfilling experiences in a woman’s life; often a special time to embrace personal health and well being. 

At this special time, loving touch can convey comfort, love, awareness and many other sensations. Receiving massage regularly is a wonderful way to reduce stress and maintain health & comfort throughout your pregnancy.


• Provides a safe tranquil space for relaxation to reduce stress and have quality pamper time for yourself

• Massage is a safe & effective, drug free method of relieving aches and pains during pregnancy

• Alleviates stress on weight bearing joints of the hips, knees, ankles & pelvis

• Relieves sore muscles, muscle cramps and myofascial pain in the areas that are supporting the extra weight of the baby, especially in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs.

• Reduces nerve pain such as sciatica and other conditions by reducing tension in the muscles that surround the nerve

• Promotes the circulation and lymphatic flow in order to accommodate the high demand placed on the heart during pregnancy.

• Reduces swelling in the extremities; which is common during pregnancy

• Provides nurturing touch and support for the new mother that helps release physical and emotional stress which is proven to promote healthy development of the placenta & baby during pregnancy

• Improves sleep quality

• Helps to prepare the body for delivery by opening the pelvis & relieving tension prior to the onset of labor. In this way, can improve the outcome of labor an ease labor pain.

Pre & Post Natal Massage differs from a regular massage. Just because a therapist offers Pre & Post Natal Massage doesn’t always mean they are qualified to perform this type of massage. Massage during pregnancy differs from a regular massage in a couple of ways, primarily because the person receiving the massage is pregnant, and therefore knowledge of pregnancy and the anatomy and physiologic changes that happen during pregnancy is a requirement.

This means that positioning during a massage is critical to the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby she is carrying. Secondly, there are parts of the body and specific acupressure points that must be avoided until the appropriate moment. The Setting The massage table will be set up so you will lie in a side-lying and/or semi-reclining position.

This is not only really comfortable but safe for the baby. You will turn from side to side to have your back and hips massaged. There will be body pillows, wedge pillows, and extra padding to make you comfortable. Never use the tables with the hole cut out for your belly, these cause undo stress to your lower back.

It may seem like a great idea, but it isn’t. What do i wear? That is really up to you. Many moms choose to remove all of their clothing, as they are always covered by the sheets. Some choose to wear their underwear. Whatever you choose to wear or remove is completely up to you and your comfort level.

Are there any contraindications?

Massage is beneficial for almost everyone. Even women carrying multiple babies can benefit greatly from massage. There may be certain conditions that may or may not be related to the pregnancy that would preclude massage or certain types of massage. This may include women at risk for preterm labor, women with blood clots or clotting disorders, and other ailments.

Many therapists recommend that you have a written notice from your doctor or midwife before receiving massage therapy during pregnancy. Massage done during the first trimester is generally up to the therapist, the woman, and her practitioner. Massage has never been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.

Is Massage Helpful for Labor?

Massage can also be useful during labor. Techniques can be done by your partner, therapist, doula or midwife. You can ask me to teach your partner or friend helpful techniques while you’re pregnant, before you go into labor, like comfort measures you can use at home and i can explain why some techniques are unsafe.

Postpartum Massage Postpartum
massage is designed to help restore the body back to its pre-pregnant condition. It also addresses the stress of carrying and caring for a newborn. It can speed the recovery by bringing relief of sore muscles and help the mother to relax more easily. No matter where you are in the childbearing year, massage may have many benefits for you and your baby.